This page includes the deliverables from a Perkins Leadership Project that focused on Students with Unique or Special Circumstances (aka Perkins Special Populations). The first set of resources listed below is designed to help those individuals who are new to Perkins and working to understand and develop steps to improve the success of their Special Populations students. The second set of resources are specific to each category and provides specific references, information, and sources designed to help those particular students.
First Set of Resources - Perkins Leadership Grant - Special Populations Guide and Graphics
There are two sets of graphics loaded for each population. Please note that the verbiage within the original set of graphics below includes descriptors of what this special population experiences and is intended to help explain their experiences to others.
Second Set of Resources - Perkins Leadership Grant - Special Populations Resource Guides for Each Category
The following guides are intended as a resource for all in Texas who support Students with Unique Circumstances (Special Populations) under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century (Perkins V) Act. These resources can support acclimation to roles in support of CTE, training purposes, or activities that may benefit the biennium CLNA updates or the annual application process.
PAST Leadership Grant Deliverables/Resources